Tuesday, October 18, 2016

IBOR4 (Inner Beauty Outward Radiance Season 4)

Today, i will be talking about an Event that is dear to my heart, The Annual 'Inner Beauty, Outward Radiance' (IBOR4) Event and Fashion Show.

This is the 4th Edition and each year keeps getting better and bigger and more inspiring. This years Edition promises to be Inspiring, Motivational and Informational; You cant afford to miss it.!!

IBOR is an initiative of Niqqi Styles; with a vision to groom the balanced woman - who is physically, spiritually, financially, morally, emotionally and professionally beautiful.

This year is somewhat different, There will be 5 (five) Speakers, all successful Entrepreneurs in their specialised fields - Arese Ugwu of Smart Money Africa,  Funke Bucknor Obruthe of Zapphaire Events,  Ronke Aderinoye of Agrihub, Bimpe Onakoya The Artistic director of Maybelline New York- Nigeria, Owolabi Awosan of Greater Washington Nigeria Ltd.

The Unveiling of the 4th edition of  RADIANCE magazine will also happen on that day.

Past cover pages are shown below




The Event will kick off with The Red Carpet & Cocktails, Music, Runway Show of The 2016 collection of Ejiro Amos Tafiri , light food & drinks, vendor stands, performances by Spirit Of David (SOD), comedy and lots more; all anchored by the wonderful MC / Comedienne Chigul.

Date: 5th of Nov 2016
Time: 12:30pm
Venue: Nelos Place, 2 Tom Oshikoya Street, off Mobolaji Bank Anthony Way, Ikeja.

Come have an experience you won't forget in a hurry, did i mention its free entry? and lots of vendor stands offering un-beatable prices? You can register at EventBrite or register at the Venue on the day. For more information, you can visit the following social media pages

See you there !!

Some snapshots from past events are copied below.


Thanks for stopping by....


Friday, July 1, 2016

Different shades of Snowflakes

Remzo Creations Soap mix gift pack.

I absolutely adore the snowflake soap mold, i think i went overboard using it. From the front, coconut milk salt soap ( creamy and lovely on the skin, made from 100 % coconut oil, 100% coconut milk, sea salt and fragrance ); milk and honey soap (soap for a luxurious bath); cocoa soap ( cocoa makes your skin shine) and the last is a carrot and papaya soap ( refreshes , exfoliates & restores your skin tone).

All for a wonderful bath experience and your skin will be happier too.... trust me, your skin will say thank you... ;)

The above was for a gift pack.


Monday, June 27, 2016

Mans best friend

Today marks 4 months you left this world.
Your space is still empty and we are reluctant to fill it.
We talk about you all the time; What you would have been up to and your cute, naughty ways; your look, your raised eye brows and even your smile.

We still dont understand why you left so soon. You were so young..... but you will always be missed.

Love you still China.......

Our Dear China, terrorizing guests with pleasure from 2013 -  Feb 2016


Friday, June 24, 2016

Its Friiiiiiiddddddaaaaaayyyyyy

Happy Remzo in a first of its kind hairstyle


Have a wonderful weekend. Make sure you relax & un-wind from the stress of the week; but most importantly..... Have tonnes of Fuuunnnnnnnnn.


Still on June....

.......Still on the Soapiness of this month... Join me in enjoying the skin benefits of this refreshingly silky bath necessities. Fragranced with vanilla for a sweet experience.

Turmeric + Cocoa Soap, PKO Soap, Coconut milk soap & Carrot soap

(i love this fish plate, serves up the soaps nicely:) , not edible ;) .....)


My June......

Hello all,
This is the last Friday in this month.....Half of the year is gone and we are going into the second half of the year. For some, its with excitement and anticipation, for others, its with apprehension and un-certainty.
For me, i know The Author & Perfecter of my Faith has got my back; so i keep looking to Him. He has never lost or failed, so i know i wont either.
WHY? cos I am a Kings Kid, an Eagle Believer.

This past month, ive been busy with making soaps and beaded jewelry....

Castille soap for sensitive skin or babies being made
Inspired by my teacher, Adorn by Dolapo

Funmilayo , 3rd variant of the original version
This clip shows the beauty of this design


Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Beginning of Remzo's Journey

My journey started last year, 2015, with my desire to go from DIY to actually being trained by Professionals in the areas I've always had an interest. When i'm in between planning events, i usually have free time that i like to use creatively.

I started with taking my love for beautiful handmade jewelries to the next level by attending the foundation and then the advanced classes. I fall in love with beads, and precious stones again and again; especially with living in Nigeria, where the 'normal' is being pushed to the limits daily. Nigerians are so creative and will keep challenging every new design to its heights of exceptional beauty. 

I've always been particular about my beautiful dark chocolate skin; Some years back, i embraced the use of natural products which are found in abundance in my country Nigeria. Some of these products are Shea butter, Cocoa butter, Palm kernel oil, African black soap (called ose dudu in yoruba land where i'm from), moringa, turmeric, African camwood (called Osun in yoruba land) and so much more. On my own, i started mixing my body butters with various butters & oils, I also experimented with the African black soap.This made my skin and hair soft, easy to manage & free from chemicals and dangerous additives. (by the way, ABS -african black soap is great for washing the hair )

Being an ardent fan of the internet i discovered this lovely lady Nini who makes her own bar soaps, i was intrigued. I sent her an e mail about taking classes which she responded to; but, i put off attending for awhile cos i was so busy, and by the time i attended the class, i was hooked.... there was no going back to using store bought products for myself or my Princes. Here's the link to a post on her blog about my class with her

And there began my journey to the world of luxurious handmade soaps... Yes, they are luxurious cos it changed the tone and texture of my dark chocolatey skin.

I will be sharing my walk with God, my Events, and adventures in this blessed world, but mostly the soaping & beading part of it; the near disasters and the wonderful successes that have equally changed the life and Skin :)  of many men, women and children. This is only the beginning, watch out as Remzo unveils the beauty of handmade products.

Remzo Creations is all about handcrafting to make our lives more beautiful. 


Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The Voice of God Through the Lil ones

Remzo & her Princes

Whenever its time for devotions with my Princes, my Sunshine, my almost 8 year old son sings this song when he leads the Praise- 

(Im not so sure of who sang this originally, but Tsaone Muhwati has a video on you tube that i like and its copied at the bottom of this post.

You are the pillar that holds my life,
You are the pillar that holds my life,
Master Jesus
You are the pillar that holds my life,
Master Jesus
You are the pillar that holds my life,

It always reminds me that God is truly the one sustaining me and keeping me. Without HIM backing me up and giving me strength to go on, i wouldn't be where i am today.

HE is The foundation that keeps me standing when the winds come, when the lightening strikes, when the thunders roar, when the earth beneath me quakes and shudders; I remain un-shaken and I still STAND.

I cant fully say my Sunshine understands the lyrics, but in singing it , I know God listens and obeys the words coming forth from his lips.

Is HE the Pillar holding you?


Thursday, February 4, 2016