Wednesday, October 4, 2017

IBOR5 - The Un-fading Beauty

Hello BlogVillefam,

I pray your day has been good?

I would like to invite all women to the 5th Anniversary of this awesome event - Inner Beauty Outward Radiance on October 14, 2017 in Ikeja, Lagos. Its a Free event, but strictly By Invitation, so you will need to register at IBOR Woman to be a part of it.

Its a programme for the discerning girl / lady / woman who desires more  and who needs guidance to becoming who she was designed to be; its for the lady who is confused about her purpose ; its for the girl who is allowing what the world thinks and says to be her reality. At IBOR you are mentored about your inner beauty which comes from a deep conviction and relationship with God and this is then translated to your outward appearance. The beauty which radiates from the Godly witness on the inside is what IBOR stands for. This year is a celebration, there will be awesome speakers, Q & A, Runway, Networking opportunities, Vendor stands, Freebies and lots more. You dont want to miss out on this.

Remember to click on the link above for inquiries. You can check out the social media pages on Instagram @iborwoman , and on Facebook IborWoman .

Remzo Creations will be there, and there will loads of Remzo Creations Soaps as freebies.... You want to know how to get one?........ stay tuned.

Please find below the details -

See you there......

i remain, Remzo,.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Nigeria at 57 , Celebrating the Giant of Africa

Hello BlogvilleFam,
Welcome to the Month of October, the 10th Month and lat quarter of 2017.

In Nigeria, today has been declared a public holiday to celebrate our 57th year Independence since 01.10.1960.

Nigeria is a country of great people, doing great things here and also all over the world.
I am proud to be a Nigerian, green passport and all.

Be proud of your roots, no matter what bad names you are referred to as.

Enjoy our Independence pictures. and may we discover we have freedom to prosper and may our dreams be actualized this month.

Please follow us on Instagram @remzocreations and on Facebook at Remzo Creations .

i remain Remzo.