Monday, September 25, 2017

My August in Pictures, Part 2

Hello BlogVille,

I am sure great things have happened with you since i was last here..... i would definitely love to hear all the juicy and amazing details.

More pictures from this #foodie to you. Stay Motivated.

Enjoy... as your taste buds think about food, let your skin also feel the deliciousness of our soaps.

They are real soaps, and they smell amazing too....... not convinced, check out our details and place an order.......!!!!

We pray this new week, will be Fruitful, Prosperous and sweeter than all you imagine or think of as you view these Delightful soapy creations; Its all been handcrafted in small batches for the Beautiful YOU.

Stay on Top !!! 

Please follow us on Instagram @remzocreations and on Facebook Remzo Creations

Thank you and God Bless.

It's still me....... Remzo

Friday, September 22, 2017

My August in Pictures Part 1

Hello BlogVille,

A new dawn filled with endless possibilities is here, what are your plans for this new day?

Ensure you start the day right, meditate and pray, make a to-do- list, be intentional and ensure you get at least 3 things done .... if not all.

Our Soaps are inspired from food and all things sweet, we hope they make you want for more.

Real Soaps.... Meant to be used to give you a deliciously yummy skin you will always love. Our soaps are handmade in small batches for the beautiful you.

Please follow us on Instagram  @remzocreations and on Facbook Remzo Creations

Thank you and God Bless.

I'm still... Remzo.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Yayyy!!!!!! i got featured

Hello Blogville,

How are you?

I'm pretty much excited for being featured on this awesome site. ( to some of you, its no big deal, but it is for me ... the #startuplife is a journey filled with testimonies and stories.

Kindly check NAIJASSADOR for the interview and you also get to know more about me from the questions asked.

Just in case
( )

Your comments would be appreciated .

Dont forget to please follow on Instagram @remzocreations and on Facebook at Remzo Creations.

Thank you and God Bless.

still me, Remzo.